Easter season generally peaceful - Police

Easter season generally peaceful - Police
Local brew ajon is popular during the festive season

Despite isolated incidents of crime and fires, the Easter season unfolded with a sense of tranquility throughout the city.

While concerts in Nansana and Kawempe being the major hotspots with thefts and disturbances, the overall atmosphere remained calm and festive.

Speaking to journalists at the Central Police Station in Kampala, Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire said they worked diligently to address reported incidents.

Although over 40 suspects were apprehended in connection with petty crimes, authorities reassured the public that no major threats were recorded during the celebrations.

Residents, buoyed by the spirit of Easter, engaged in various activities across the city, spreading joy and camaraderie.

The community's vigilance and cooperation played a vital role in maintaining safety and preventing further escalation of incidents.

As the Easter festivities conclude, authorities remain vigilant, continuing their efforts to bolster security measures and ensure the ongoing safety of all citizens.

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